
I’m going to need to be making some ice.
and while i have some idea of how to do this, it isn’t realy working the way i envisioned.

basicly i want to make a early spring like scene of dawn, where the low sun fals into the frozen damp that lies upon some leaves and flowers in a field.

well that’s the rough idea anyway.
making the plants isn’t all that much of a problem.
and i’m sure i’ll work out a way to simulate a thiny layer of ice upon the leaves and heads of the plants.

Yet for the bigger blobs of water i was thinking about using Metaballs.
well while it was a nice thought of me, the meta balls disagreed.
when working with them, in the viewport the balls sometimes even disapear when i scale them too small. yet when i render the ball is still visable.
and after resizing them, moving them and placing them bit by bit.
i always seem to keep uneven bumps in the surface of the “blob”

is there some special way on how one should go around while working with Mballs?
am i missing something completely? or is it realy so tedious work to get them to do what you want?

alt C convert to mesh >> subdivide >> smooth

in the viewport the balls sometimes even disapear when i scale them too small.

Drop the ‘Threshold’ and/or increase the ‘Stiffness’


If you scale down your metaballs inside edit mode it loses resolution and disappear, you should scale it down in object mode (outside edit mode).