Metal scratches and imperfections

I’ve never really been good with textures, even after watching many videos on the subject. Basically I’m trying to get a red metal material with some rubbed off spots and blemishes. I’ve already set the material, so I’m not using a UV map. I would like to use as few image textures as possible. Any suggestions?

By the way I could have sworn I put this under the materials and textures topics. My bad!

Almost any method I could think of would need some sort of texture mask to be able to add in the blemish/scratching portion. That would be with a UV map and I am not to positive how to procedurally place a specific blemish at a specific location and have it stay there without a UV.

have a look at pbr materials 2, which includes a procedural scratches texture.

Thank you for this resource, it’s very usefull! Also sorry for the late reply. Do you know how I could have one of these textures in only one spot?

Also, sorry for a late reply too, but you could use vertex color layer as a mask. You don’t need to unwrap.

Just a little bit of projection-painting to make a new layer of image material. Get some “scratchy” source texture and “daub it on, here and there.” Adjust the relative mix of this against the other materials (use nodes).

In this way you can quickly get dirt-and-grime, dust-and-scratches,even bump maps that will look properly random. When you’ve determined just how the object is going to appear in the show, select a few representative camera angles, grab your paint-brush and digital spray-gun and have fun. “Don’t over-think it.” :slight_smile: