Metalic Blender

if you can even call this metalic, i don’t know but anyway here it is:

comments, complaints welcome 8)

Very Cool! is it motion blur, post processing, both or neither? well anyhoo i finally have a cool blender wallpaper! thanks :wink:

made with corel photo paint.

it’s a photoshop clone. and i think yer all gunna kill me cuz i didn’t use blender, but photoshop and it’s clones ROCK!!! 8)

You heretic bastard! Thou shalt burn in hell!

didn’t ya read the BlenderBible?

“All Blender logos or representations of logos shalt be rendered in blender and only blender. Those who do logos in other applications shalt do 3D in a Blenderless land for all eternity”

heheh (be more creative, eplastic)

just kidding, nice pic.

you should’ve put “hell” instead of “blenderless world”, sound more dramatic and exaggerated. but on the other hand…isnt a blenderless world hell?

-1 critique on your image tho : its too blurred. doesnt have any detail whatsoever…