Metrony Gurvan - Post Apocalyptic RPG/FPS with Parkour

I added the stengun by hanzo into the game and I´m working on an map.

You should add hit-boxes for headshots. I can’t remember what their called (gibs maybe) but you can add some purty realistic gore using that method. thatimst3r has a tutorial on impact holes, sparks, and ground dust, which can be easily converted into blood. But this game looks awesome. Another tip would be to add more zombies. Zombie dogs, female zombies, zombies with different clothes, fast zombies, slow zombies, zombies that drag themselves across the floor, all that jazz

Floor reflections:
I like floor reflections, keep them, but… Make them less visible. Increase the diffuse texture strength or if you are using underground objects, than increase alpha of floor material, and you will have nice floor with reflections!:slight_smile:

The reflections are cool, but tone them down a bit, like adriansnetlis said. This game looks so epic, I can’t stop thinking about it!

I am glad there are still people interested in my project.

I thought adding the reflections on some wet spots on the map or on a rainy map.

I am really interested in a discussion with you about the game because I have many ideas and would like to hear what you think.

At the time my computer is not working and I can’t work on the game, but the game is not dead.


  • adding some RPG elememts like leveling, looting(weapons + helpful items), stat points, etc.
  • weapon customizations
  • a little campaign mode… or make the whole game to a RPG?
  • adding boss

I would really like what you think about it

I would like to see a game with more storyline, champaing. Maybe you could make it multiple modes: RPG called Arcade where you just upgrade your stats, Champaing with exciting and deep storyline and, if you can, MMO where you should upgrade your stats in multiplayer, help others or loot them!

  • I have a good start for the storyline prepared :slight_smile:

  • The arcade mode would be very cool because I have many this for this prepared, too!
    The storymode and the arcademode would be totally different to each other…
    I was planing to make the storyline more scary and focusing on stealth and it would have a very different handling for the weapons.

    About the arcademode I thought that you are in a mainroom with shops etc. and then enter different rooms and fight against zombies in a survival mode.
    In that mode you earn EXP and loot items and weapons etc. and you can craft different objects.

You know what would be cool?
A multiplayer support for both modes. So that arcade switches to MMO when select network enabled, but champaing gets multiplayer with 2 players(no more), more places to get and more nice elements aswell as more powerful enemies(because players are 2). Do you expect you could make a multiplayer and so coll one?

Sorry to disapoint you but any kind of multiplay is impossible for me. The only thing I could do is adding a npc that can play with you.
I tested some things out and have a really good concept for a friendly npc.

I was thinking about friendly npcs too. Have him track to you, but keep his distance. Whenever his ray hits a zombie, switch to shooting state. No zombies? Switch back to searching state. Zombies really close? Switch to melee state? Not a great fighter? Lost your head? (pun intended) switch to death state.

Thats the way a friendly npc should act like :slight_smile:
Now I have to figure out how to “summon” the friendly npc into your round…
maybe at the beginning hire someone or like in a old minecraft cod zombie mode modification you could buy friemdly npcs like perks trough a soda perk.

Yea, that sounds pretty good. Do you have a model?

I have a base model that I’m using for the zombies. I can also use it for the friendly npc just adding some clothes and face textures.

A little idea I have for the zombie game:

… and by the way… a storymode is in work :slight_smile:

The textures looks incredibly high resolution.

The texturesize of all textures is 1024 x 1024 I’m using sharper normalmaps maybe it looks hing res with them. Does it look good?

Yes, it looks very good!

Wow the Textures are looking great! I’m not sure what your development cycle/pipeline is but the animations can use a bit of work and the textures can use a little variation but other than that this is looking incredible! Please keep up the great work!!! :slight_smile: