Michael Bay has attacked my Blender Node System

This was a little project I formulated one evening to help me develop my knowledge of the Node system and Render Layer function.

This is so TRON-like

But what exactly does it have to do with Michael Bay ?

Weird, I wasnt going for TRON-like, but I definitely see the similarity now that you pointed it out.

As for the Michael Bay reference…I was referring to the Horizontal Lens Flares that he uses in all his movies… Of course I guess with Star Trek I could have used JJ Abrams as well. :wink: .Was a little joke basically.

From the title I instantly thought you made an explosion effect hahahaha “MICHAEL BAY PRESENTS:… EXXPPPLLOOOSSIIOONNNSS!!!”

Good work

LOL! Thanks for the laugh Killer! I love hating on Michael Bay…not entirely sure why he deserves it, but its fun to do. :evilgrin:

Maybe it’s because his story’s have next to no plot and are nothing but explosions haha

edit: the only one who’s funnier to make fun of is M. Night Shyamalan

Hmm… if Michael Bay was involved, all of those spheres would have turned into massively-detailed robots and we’d have seen nothing but insane blurry closeups of those robots fighting each other for 2 hours. Probably better that didn’t happen. In fact, this is probably the exact opposite of a Michael Bay film (short, minimalistic style, clean renders, considerably more character development and a better script). And that’s definately a good thing. Well done !

It’ fun to rag on Michael Bay because it’s just so easy to do… :stuck_out_tongue:

Ok, so after the posts about explosions and Extreme closups…had to of course blow the little guy up. EXPLOSSSSSIIIOOOONS!!! :ba:

I love your setup - looks very pro. Would you mind sharing the blend so I can dissect your nodes? (Or an example blend if this work is too personal/not shareable)

Wow, that’s a really cool style (more like 80s SciFi than Micheal Bay)!

Very cool man, giggity giggity.

I like the handheld feel of the camera.

Did you key frame it, or is there some secret ninja script to noodle the camera around?

I posted a tutorial about the Free Camera (Shaky Camera) effect. Best Viewed at 720p…I didnt take into consideration the size of my monitor.