Well i was working on this microwave and i am pretty much done but for some reason it doesn’t look right ideas for improvment?
Could you plz post a lager shot, that shows not just the front?
And a wire-few would be nice to Comment the mesh itself!
I would try to make the door window transparent by going to Materials window -> Lowering the Alpha in the materias tab and enabling Ray trasparency in the Mirror Trasparency tab. I would also try smoothing out the sides of the outer wall with a bevel by pressing the W key while in edit mode and selecting the bevel option.
look at it. does it look like a microwave?
if not, i suggest that you use references; stick a background image of a microwave in and see what makes it look like a microwave. things like curved door handles, and general shape. it might have dials, buttons and led lights. Also, it has an inside, which you can see through the window. There’s no point having a window if there’s nothing inside of it- theres a little glass plate, indentations in the walls etc.
also, in your render, all you have is the microwave against a plain white background. Now I know a proper background is not the focus of the piece, but just a simple shadow and a plain-coloured (but not white) background would help.
Try experimenting with lighting, and especially with ambient occlusion. AAO gives great results very quickly.
People have mentioned bevelling the object, and that’s a great idea; the bevels on the corners/edges mean that it can reflect light in a more realistic way.
Oh, and when posting wireframes, it’s much more helpful if it simply a screenshot from within blender; we all work like that, so it’s easier to understand what’s happening from that view.
Check all the proportions of the piece, and use a reference; the shape/size of the door looks off.
Tbh, I think almost all of the problems could be solved by using proper references (this goes for any piece of work: Always Use References)
tigger: you’re absolutely right. :yes: