middle mouse on NumButons, small bug?

i dunno if this is a bug, my computer, or me being a tard, but in the manual it says you can middle click on the numbuttons to manually type in their value. sure you can just click the button countless times but it would still be simpler to be able to middle clik. middle button works everywhere else for scrolling, zooming and all that, so i dont understand. also tried ALT+LMB, that doesnt work either. i searched the forums for this so i don’t think its been addressed, thanx for any help :slight_smile:


thanks :slight_smile: in the manual it says middle mouse button :-?


on page 29 in the printed Manual “The official Blender 2.0 Guide” (European English version with bad binding…) it says this about NumButton :

Quoted from the printed Blender 2.0 Guide
“Hold the SHIFT+LMB to change the button to a “TextBut”. A cursor appears, indicating that you can now enter a new value. Enter the desired value and press ENTER to assign it to the button…”