I started with modelling a MIG-9. This is the first jet-fighter of the USSR. I started with this just to improve my skills. So I think my mesh is quite a mess, but by using subsurfes and the right edgeloops i got this.
Please give (some ) C&C, this is a learning project to me, so maybe you have to be patient for updates of the model.
Off to a good start, only thing I noticed is that it should be taller than it is wide (as it appears in the photos on those sites you provided) but I can’t comment much until its further in development. What really struck me, though, was the lighting - it looks really good for an ‘old style’ image. I mean, it looks like its just a provisional lighting setup for you, but it really gives the image a 1940’s-advertisement-like look.
How’s about some wireframes?
um…or you can do it the easier way and just select the two vert’s that start and end the line, and hit “x” then select “delete edges”. i think that should work