Millicent Green's Magnificent Machines - Epic Steampunk

This is my first post here. I am new to Blender, but I am professional composer of many years experience. My IMDB Profile is Rohan Stevenson.

I started Blender during lockdown and produced my first project then, and this here is my latest effort which took some 2 years off and on to create. I modelled the robots, and did all the animation using a combination of Mixamo, CMU and hand animation. The Opera House and Dr Ignatius were done by others (credited at the end).

The reason for doing this is to provide content and context for my Steampunk line of music. You can find the 3 albums on Spotify Brass Knuckle Steampunk Sinfonia

I’ve been lurking a while, particularly when trying to resolve problems. I hope you don’t judge my effort too harshly…I know it’s full of mistakes. But it tell’s a story and provides a good setting for the music (which incidentally won an award!).


An extremely imaginative idea, and superbly presented. The cinematography is truly excellent, and entirely appropriate and believable. Little details, like stuff being left on-stage in a consistent position (most of the time), the audience reacting to sparks landing on them, and even the initial opening in which the automaton first appears, are striking. And yes, the music is excellent and greatly adds to the show.

I really liked the way that you used “foreshadowing.” There are little cut-aways where an off-stage and unnoticed observer is seen watching the show. Some of these later appear, while others do not. Nevertheless, this adds “environment” and thus “realism.”

I’m a little surprised at what the final denouement of the show actually turned out to be.

As for “mistakes,” these are unimportant if you put on a good show. (Which you unquestionably did.) Fact is: if you first tried to eliminate everything that you fear could be called “a mistake,” nothing would ever make it out the door . . . :slight_smile: . . . There are those who enjoy finding “mistakes” and “cheats” in first-run movies, and they always find some.

This clearly shows what I value most highly in a performance: imagination, followed by execution.


This is such a SUPERB work of Art.
A very very very deep bow from me.
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:


Well thank you very much. Very much indeed.

I really appreciate that you took time to watch it. You are 100% right about little mistakes preventing something leaving the door - never let “perfect” be the enemy of the good. We have a saying writing music as well; “you never finish a piece, you abandon it”. But I always have to ask myself what I can “live” with.

Never-the-less, some of the incredible work I have seen from other Blender artists does make me feel a little intimidated showing it here. Thankyou so much for your kind words.

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I think this is a misleading reply and i guess
you mean “sundialsvc4”
i just came in to applaud you, great work

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This is really cool. Keep it up :raised_hands:

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Yeah I did. Not sure what happened…

I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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You’re on the featured row! :+1:

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Thanks very much. I’m both flattered and humbled.

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Wow, that is next level! Outstanding!

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really great work!

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