Mini Hi-Fi system

It’s true, I’ve finally finished my second Blender project. I finished the first one over a month ago, but I was really short on time, and the project was quite difficult for me to do. I know it’s the most unoriginal subject you can choose for a model, but hey, everybody must have made a stereo at least once…

Here’s the render (unfortunately still with some anti-alias problems):
Click to enlarge (1024x768)

Click here to see a photo of the real stereo.

Critics, comments and tips are absolutely welcome. Thanks in advance.

It’s pretty nice. With some texture and light tweaking you could reach photorealism, but this is very nice without such nonsense. :smiley:

Thats pretty sweet… nice job.

are you gonna do an envmap on the glass table… think it would add some nice eye candy…

Definetly do an envmap on the table it would look really sweet. Otherwise looks pretty awsome, and I should know, I own that stereo :wink:

very sweet, although you could put more time into the env

nice work on the modeling.
legs of the table look short
and better textures would make this stand out

very good work

great modeling, now hw about some shading and reflections?

Thank you, I agree the textures could have been better, but I haven’t really found good sites where you can download them for free (except for Image After). I’ve made the textures for this project myself, by simply taking photographs of the stereo and boxes (with a digicam), then made them seamless using The Gimp. This is the first time I’ve made textures myself (except for the mousemat in my previous project, but that was different), so they aren’t very professional.

Thanks! I have no experience with environment mapping (yet), but I will look into it. If anyone has good links to tutorials or anything, I’d be happy to know.

Another thank you! As I said, I will look into the env mapping.

Thanks, same story as above.

Thank you too. The length of the legs should be fine. In the model they even stick a little into the ground. I agree about the textures, I explained more about this in my reaction to the first post.

Thanks. I tried shading, but I didn’t really get satisfying results. What exactly do you mean with reflections? Same as env maps?

this tute looked good.
its not mine.

Thanks, though I founded a tutorial myself here. I played a little bit with the settings, this is the result so far:

Stereo with env mapping (click)

As you can see, it’s not really outstanding. I’ll try to improve it though. Tips are welcome, as always.

now all you have to do is move the envmap to a different texture chanel, reduce the amount it affects the texture, put your old texute underneath it, and then make it all slightly transparent again…

thats if you can be bothered.

maybe you could cheet, and photoshop one render over the other with a bit of opacity :wink:

Thanks, that was a great tip. Here’s a new render:

Stereo with env mapping 2 (click)

It looks way better now, though you can see that the right side of the table is this transparant that you can hardly see it.

Yeah, it looks really good. Its a nice glass affect. I always liked the model, its just the little and often really subtle things lthat finnish it off. Nice work

um… by working on the env, i didnt mean the reflection, i ment the environment that it is in, ergo the livingroom.

Thanks again Lived. Skeletor, I kept the environment simple, because I don’t want it to attract the attention.