The mission is:
Pick up ore from the stope (hammer and sickle temporarily), and drop it of at the ore pass (happy face temporarily). Do it 3 times to complete the mission.
I know it works, you don’t have to do that part but you may if you like.
Nice, I checked the test, and I must say, the shading isnt that bad, and it runs prefect on my Amd 2 ghz 1 gig ram, Nvidia Geforce 200 Ti 64 mb ram. But maybe a little tweaking on the viewport would be nice, or a little map how to drive around. I also saw I couldn’t strear around when I drive forwards especially when I want to turn back. But it’s nice, keep working on it
What sort of tweaking on the viewport would you suggest?
This is going to be for industrial training eventually, or at least a nice demo to show the potential for VR training in industry.
You must accelerate or brake to steer better, but even then manoeuvering is meant to be difficult - mining is all about fitting the biggest LHD into the smallest tunnel.
Unfortunately I had to take down the link for copyright reasons… if anyone has the file I’d appreciate it if you would delete it permanently after checking it out, and not distributing it ok?
Well, that’s the lowest-end machine that has been tested so far… the reason I have many polygons is because the models I was given to start with were engineering CAD models… the LHD you drove had just under 4500 faces; originally it had 20000 or 30000… the mine has more than it used to, but only because I needed to recreate a rough surface, plus more vertices = better lighting.
My Athlon 1600+ with a Radeon 9000 128MB and 768MB DDR266 RAM runs it at 8-10FPS, but that’s because I need to format my computer and reinstall everything BADLY due to Oracle 9i remnants being EVIL^3.
A good sign is that a friend’s computer (Athlon 2100+, 512MB DDR333 RAM, Radeon 9600 Pro) ran it at a solid 45FPS, and that was when the LHD had 6600 faces (now it has under 4500!!!).
Thanks for the input… I guess I can safely say that you need a graphics card to run this well enough (5FPS is not acceptable)… a friend with a P4 2.0 and a GeForce2 MX 420 (or was it 440 I dont know) ran it at 35FPS so I think the processor has the most to do with it… she only has 512MB of RAM as well.