mIRC channels #blender and #smc


many have heard and participated in #blender mIRC channel.

not so many on the #smc channel. It incidentally happens to have a thread on this forum.

So I’m wondering why the speed modelling challenge (#smc) isn’t directly available in the #blender channel? There’s always 300+ people there and it’d probably get a much more vigorous response.


Dont know,

I kinda wondered where that group operated from, so ha its an irc channel; thought it was some facebook page

Wondering why it isnt just a BA threat, with subthreads per challange, and under there subthreads for each participant ?.
Or more simply below " finished works" place an " Challenge weekly ", seams less hidden to me then an irc channel.

Irc is used for development and support in chat form… i kinda wonder if that is still handy, these days people use whatsap/skype groups.
Who have options to easily exchange files as well (ea drop a blend file). While i’m no expert in this, to me irc seams a bit old-aged.

Speed Modeling Challenge is its own thing and needs its own IRC channel for all the participants, just as it needs its own subforum on ba.org. There are other Blender related channels where the discussion can focus on a particular aspect of Blender http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Community:Chat#IRC

#blender is a community support channel where users help other users with the use of the program. This includes questions&answers about the program, help with a problem when using official Blender and its existing features, information about fundamentals, troubleshooting/testing/help with a bug report, and an occasional critique/feedback when specifically requested.

Development, scripting and Blender game engine related things can be discussed also but since those have their own dedicated channels, their existence is usually brought up so that people know to ask on those and are more likely to get help to their problem.

This is the first time I’ve heard about #smc though. Might join some time or other.

I think that would attract more people to, i dont understand such competitions require a chat app.

The reason I brought this up is because the last smc occurred on Nov 8. The one before that on Sep 13. That’s like a month intermission between 30 minute challenges.

Would that not benefit placement in a channel where a lot of the time nobody is doing anything work related?

It probably would benefit from being in a bigger channel, or just by letting people know about it. Most don’t.
The thing though is that it wouldn’t really fit in with any of the blender channels. #blender is for support, #blendercoders is for development, all the non english ones wouldn’t quite work, and #blenderchat would just kind of drown it out. (not sure about the last one, but it doesn’t seem like the best fit.)
Just getting the word out about it and how it works is the best way to improve/grow it atm i think.