Mirror axis ?

How is this working:confused:
mirror for me means a surface mirror not an axis:mad:

how can you mirror function of an axis:eek: :confused:

and no explain in wiki book for this strange weird behavior:eek:

Tanks & Salutations

Computers are mathmatical beast’s, so when they are asked to mirror the x axis they just make x plus values into x minus values and vica versa.

I see it the how now WOW so simple!

this should be indicated in the WIKI book


Added a small note to mirror modifier in the wiki book Link > http://mediawiki.blender.org/index.php/Manual/Mirror_Modifier#Options
If it was another part of the wiki you where looking at let me know.

Also here
in editing object
Not the mirror modifier the other mirror - Ctrl-M and
in object mode you have another option for mirror - Bottom viewport
object - in the menu there a mirror there too with only 3 options
in edit mode there are up to 9 options but doon’t know where it is in Wikibook!

I use the following picture to show it easier to follow a simple geometric form than Suzanne face




The part of the wiki you gave a link to, is not actually using mirror, its using scale as a negative to give you a mirrored effect, i didnt find anywhere in the wiki that was actual mirroring, it might not be done yet.

But it is called mirroring in the Blender menu and in WIKIbook!
And this is confusing for everybody
and you could also do it with N-Key Transform panel and manually enter the -1 for the scale factor !
it is just that when i tried to do it with object menu and the 3 mirror axis i was wondering what the result would be and now i have a better understand of it with the -Axis value rule
which is obvious when you know it
Saying it is one thing but showing it is another way to learn which i prefer because i’m more a visual learner


You both are correct. i think historically, we did mirroring by negative scaling. Hazza’s link to the mirror modifier creates a mirrored copy, whereas neg scaling mirrors the actual object.
So, RJ, i guess it depend on whether you want to mirror the object, or pretend to hold up a mirror to the object.

Also The mirror modifier is a lot more then mirror
it’s equivalent to making a new copy - mirror - then merging and removing extra vertex

The only thing is to move the center of the object at the right position or you don’t get the expected results.
Instead of calling it mirror it should be called more like what it is really like
Axis symetry instead of Mirror
But i doubt that because we mention it here That blender will change the name in their menu
Anyway this was an interesting discussion to clarify things

Tanks & Salutations