In 2.3 there is a new mirror function for that. Enter edit mode, select the head, Duplicate, M (Mirror), Flip on the axis desired, A (select all), remove doubles. That should do it.
(If you’re under 2.3, the S X thing is all I’ve ever used)
I am trying to model symmetry in Blender 2.30. I made half of the object and duplicated it. I then flipped the copy with the new mirror flip feature. When I try to asign the Mesh of the first object to the second it flips back to the position of the first object. Also if I duplicate the object with Alt-D and then try to flip the duplicate with the new M key feature, the original object flips as well making it impossible to model symmetricly.
Whn you are duplicating, don’t use Alt-D (which keeps the two objects linked together so that what is doen to one is also done to the other). Use D. Then you wil have two independent objects. You can flip the new one, join the two, line them up, and remove doubles.
-Septimus (I’m a complete newbie so i could be wrong, but I believe that works.)
It works WYKWYAD (When You Know What You Are Doing) Modelling somethin in half and then flipping won’t give the expected results unless you have much experience.
If you use ALT-D you can modify the original and the linked copy will follow. This way you can adjust and get a good result when you are happy you unlink, Join and remove doubles.
this way if you modify one side the changes are made on the other
so, out of edit mode, make a linked duplicated (alt+d) at the same location as the original
flip it with
s x 1 - enter
(that is along the global x axis but you get the idea)
you will probably need to turn off double sided or one will be black
if necescary position the 3d cursor on where you want to mirror over and set the rotation/scaling pivot (menu left of materials on 3d window header) to the 3d cursor.
when you like what you have done and want to join the two meshes into one:
select both, make one active and join them together with control+j
you will have two very similar objects (one mirrored), you probably want to delete one
then go along the seam and remove the duplicate verticies with remove doubles (with a proper limit) or alt+m (merge)
you could tell if you were in edit mode in prior version by on the 3d window header there would be a button looking like a triangle in edit mode. When you were in edit mode it was pushed in. Also appearing (if avaliable for the object) on the 3d window header were similar buttons for face mode, vertex paint mode, and weight paint mode.
I am still missing something. I can do Symmetry in Blender 2.28 but it will not work in Blender 2.30. Have any of you guys tried it in Blender 2.30 under Windows.
Yes I read the above posts and I see a disagreement. But none the less it does not work in 2.30 for me. when I flip the duplicate copy the orginal copy flips as well. In 2.28 and below this does not happen.
whatever you do in edit mode (tab-key) where you can select or edit vertices affects the object-data- i.e. the mesh, and this affects all linked copied (alt-d) the same way. The mirror menu is an edit operation, so that’s how it works.
Any transform you do in object mode affects the selected object only. So to mirror just one linked copy:
select ONLY that linked copy, and (in object mode):
hit S, then X then 1 then - then enter
this has all been said in previous posts. just thought I’d try to un?muddy the waters further.
In Blender 2.30:
I will describe exactly what I am doing to test this out. In front view I created a plane mesh. I then moved one of the vertices of this mesh outward about 3 blender units. Now in object mode I am selecting the mesh and copying it with Alt-D enter. Now while in object mode with the duplicate mesh selected I am hitting S, X, 1 enter. The object is not flipping. The only way that I can make it flip is to put the object in edit mode, select all vertices and use the M key feature and this of course flips both objects.
In 2.28 I can run the same test and hit S,X enter and it will flip and I can model symmetricly.