Mirror Pose Problem of Wrong Axis Rotation, Is it possible to change rotation axis?

Hello guys,
I am new to animation. I downloaded a model from DAZ3D and renamed the bones.
However, when I rotate the bone (not IK one) and mirror posed, the rotation of the bone is wrong and I couldn’t fix it. I know what is wrong btw, the multiplication operation of xyz is not done properly
it multiplies the y z however it should be multiplying x y. How can I fix this for mirror posing? Can I change the axis of mirroring or something with code or in menu?

Appreciated for your help

Mirroring depends on the local axes of the bones. The easiest way to get proper mirroring is enter edit mode, select the bones that you want to copy from, and use the symmetrize operation. This will ruin any existing animation on those bones’ mirrors. There is also a risk of it affecting constraints.

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Is there any other way to do it? Like changing settings or something?

Yes, there are other ways to do it, that do the same thing but are more complicated.

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I assumed you would have to do the vertex painting process after symmetrize operation, seems like it works just fine. So I fixed it by symmetrizing the bones, working very neat man thank you very very very much!