Mirroring a bunch of objects along the global axis

Is it possible to mirror those selected objects so that they look like a mirror image of the unselected ones on the right side? I did Control-M, but that only mirrors them locally…:frowning:
Thanks in advance.

I believe there is an array script in blender to do that

check it out


Do you mean the array modifier?

ya sorry i forgot that it was put with the modifiers
Unless you have different type of objects !


The only problem is that each “object” is actually about 15 objects parented to an empty… so I think it might be easier to just place them manually. Thanks anyway though.

i think you can select all your objects tthe Shift-d to copy them and then pick on the bottom of the viewport you click the object then the mirror and the axis that you want and it should mirror all your objects

There is a way, although more like a workaround, which I use quite often.
Parent all the empties (you mentioned earlier that the objects were parented to empties) to a lattice (and only the empties, if you parent the objects as well it will cause Parent-Child conflicts - like in real life, when the small ones are growing up…sorry, lame joke…), which you add in top view or something, just so that the lattice’s axis are the global axis. Then mirror the lattice. Later on your can make the empties single users again or keep the lattice for further tweaking in the future.

Well, if there’s something easier, I’d like to hear it too, it’s what I do all the time.

I didn’t know that was there! But… It mirrors them “locally” :frowning: …with not much of a good result for my purposes.

@ Myke: That sounds like a pretty good method:yes: . I never would have thought of that. Of course by now I’ve rotated all my objects manually, but I’ll be sure to use your technique in the future!
p.s., Yeah, those parent-child conflicts:no: lol.

Now, don’t you think one should be able to mirror objects along an axis as if they were all joined into one mesh? Seriously… why isn’t that a feature allready?:confused:

Mirror in edit mode


Giving choice berween Global , local or view axis


So I have to join all my meshes…? Sorry if I misunderstood…:o

Well, the ctrl-M mirror options in object mode don’t make any sense to me, plus they aren’t invertable, as in, if I hit Mirror Z Local twice the objects don’t end up in the same position they were beforehand, which is just strange.

However, I think I found a simple way to do what you want, in object mode, without even using something labeled “mirroring” :).

Just drop the 3d cursor at the origin (shift-C) and set your pivot point to it (period key), then select everything you want to mirror and duplicate it (shift-D or alt-D, whichever), then hit S(cale), X(or whichever axis you’re mirroring about), -1, enter.

Star Weaver – That works perfectly! Thanks!