Mirroring groups of objects?

Is it me or have that function dissappeared?

Now we have a nice mirror function in EDIT mesh mode…

but what if we want to mirror a whole group of objects
(eg hair-objects in beast…just as an example)?

If I remember correctly…I mirrored selected objects
with S + X or Y before version 2.3xx …now I can’t
mirror anything unless I’m in editmesh mode.

Waaahhh!! (crying)

Help? Please?


s x 1 - [enter]

is there a problem here?

is there a problem here?

yep> s x 1 {enter}…?
just scales along X axis… but since you hit 1 and enter straight away it does nothing at all.

s x 2 enter for example scales all objects selected by 2 along global X axis

JoOngle, sorry i dunno… was wondering myself.

I think you must first duplicate (or duplicate linked), then use NKEY to get the numerical palette and type in a minus in front of the size of the axis you want it to mirror around (I think), and type enter. For ex. size X: -1.000. You need to experiment to get it right.


He said “s x 1 - [enter]”, the “-” is important :smiley:


(being sure to have the curser at the point you want to mirror around and that you’ve selected the cursor to be the rotation point, ie: hit the ‘.’ period key over the 3D window that you’re using.


  • (minus sign)

aaah… k.you have my full apology z3ro d.
must pay closer attention