Misc. stuff & first post


I’ve been following this forum for quite some time now, and finally decided to sign up and post some of my blender pictures… well I can’t lose anything. To view them, please visit this address:


(Yes I know lycos/tripod/geocities and alike suck, but hey, lets see how long it takes for my bandwidth to fill up…)

C&C are welcomed. Btw, if this post doesn’t belong here, feel free to kick me and move this where it belongs. :wink:


Hi and welcome to the community! :wink:

You sure as hell have some interesting work there, and it’s fairly obvious that you have talent, especially for a first time poster…

DUUUUDE :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o

you may not enter this community…
you’re too good :expressionless:

really man respect
this is surely the biggest ‘unreal-but-true’ collection i’ve ever seen

:o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o

[ actually i think it’s @ndy’s little brother cause there is just NOother solution ]

Haha! I love the pig headed man! I have such a character myself, whom I call ‘HogBoy’. He has some little friends too, but of them he is the only bipedal one. Somewhere I have a claymation of him walking one of the smaller pigs on a leash. It’s really funny because the little pig moves around very quickly, jumping up on things, rooting through debris with his snout, etc., and the big one (hogboy) just sort of plods along at this unchanging pace. I lost all my data recently so hopefully I sent a clip of it to one of my friends at some point. Basically though, I need to start the whole thing again from scratch. :-? He’s sitting around here somewhere though, so I’ll at least take a pic of him and put it in traditional so you can have a gander. :wink: >>edit<< well here’s the report from my friend who had the hogboy video. :frowning: ==> “Unfortunately, no; I inadvertantly left a bunch of
documents sitting on the desktop the last time I
reinstalled Windows. At present, the only items of
yours I have are the desktop you did and your icons…”

My favourite is the oldalien one. It sure has mood. I like it, man.
Keep on blending and … yeah… Welcome to our community.

:o :o :o those are just AMAZING!!!
may favorite is the robot reminds me of my cell phone :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks guys, you’re too kind. I’m not new to Blender; I’ve been playing with it for over a year, but I started using Blender “seriously” when version 2.26 was released. I have tons of stuff to learn. I’m hoping to improve my modelling skills, learning Wings3d on the side, and maybe some day get into animation… perhaps creating a short-film with Blender. But that’s in quite a distant future.

Anyways, thanks for the comments!


i’m gonna take a guess and say you like starcraft maybe just a little bit. :slight_smile:

seriously though, you’ve got some great work there.

Heh you’re right Mazer. I do like starcraft just a little bit. Actually I hated the game, I was really bad at it, but I enjoyed the mood, graphics and the cinematics.

Oh and thanks :slight_smile:



OMG! I Suck!

I hate looking in here… :x

The guy with the blender tattoo on his forehead is a nice touch, I could see him in a monks robe casting fireballs…LOL

Can I steal him? No, wait, stealings not nice.

How do people make such realistic heads, bodies, and stuff?

My stuff always looks like a kindergarten kid drew it… :frowning:

Sum_Dum_Guy: as I mentioned on my website, I didn’t create the head. I took it from a model that is used in MakeHuman script. :slight_smile: I just wanted to test materials, lights and such. Some day I’ll be able to create such heads manually, but right now I have no such skills.


MakeHuman Script? Where do I get that?

Is that a Python Plugin?

I just found Blender like 5 days ago…
I made a A poorly texured and scaled Mountain in blender, then with the game engine a big cube room with bouncing letters, it has a pointy sphere to roam around it as my avatar, and yesterday I made a blocky spider… LOL!

Texturing is not my forte, nor is modelling. My spider came out kinda jovial. I even put two sharp fangs on it. But instead of menacing it looks like it just came out of a Barney Cartoon… Ha ha ha!

[>] MakeHuman:



wow, nice stuff. impressive

very space hulk / warhammer 40k ish