Missile launcher (update #2)

Even though i’m new to Blender and 3d in general, i’ve decided to start on a pretty ambitious animation project. The basics of it will be a semi-futurisitc city under siege and, after i learn character animation, will include big mech looking things fighting (a sort of gundamish type fight). I don’t plan on being done with this for a very, very long time though since i am still learning the things i will need to do to make it good. Once i get going, my friend is going to help me out with the music and sound effects.

Anyways, i made a test animation about 210 frames long of things shooting and blowing up. Unfortunately, i cant put it up. The guns and stuff were only half spheres with protruding cylinders though and that was really boring so i decided to try some more complex (sort of) modelling.

These are two views of a missile launcher I am working on right now. Its not done but i thought i should post it here to get some advice before i did something horribly wrong :stuck_out_tongue: . Critiques would be helpful. I am going to add some more random stuff to it. Since i don’t really know all that much about missile launchers, this is not really geared towards accuracy. The missiles aren’t textured (or even colored) yet and i’m going to put a different texture for the front. I realize the textures are a bit mismatched right now, i just wanted to put alot of them on and see how they would look.

lol sorry for being a bit longwinded, here they are:



You missiles aren’t in “holes” in the launcher.

It looks very star wars to me. I like it.

i think that the missiles could stand to be a bit larger, other than that, and the holes, it looks good

could we see a wireframe?

it’d be good to make sure you are going about your meshes the right way…

Very good for an early thing. I’ve been using blender for qiute some time, and I can’t make stuff like that! %|

thanks for the comments.
Lol Desoto i like star wars alot so thats good to hear.

holes? who needs holes? missiles don’t need holes! what are you talking about!! :stuck_out_tongue: . Heh yeah i should probably put some in shouldn’t I? %|

as for wireframes, is this what you meant? wasn’t quite sure.




well, i’ll keep working on this a bit, then i’ll start on my hover-tank thing :slight_smile:

Easyiest way to make holes in this btw would be booleans. Just put two objects in the same space, select them both in object select mode and press ‘W’. I believe ‘difference’ is the operation for making holes, so select ‘difference’.

I suppose booleans are the FASTEST, but they make VERY messy meshes. I wish we still had intersect. %|


ALL HAIL INTERSECT! I couldn’t agree more with dante, a fine statement my friend :smiley:

Your missile launcher looks cool, but it looks a little bare…
the sides look a little boring, maybe you could add like little laser trackers and doohickies to make it look cool :stuck_out_tongue:

I like how you textured the top though, looks purty cool- you make your own textures, did you find them, procedurals?
cool design overall though

Edit: but what is it doing on a marble floor, shouldn’t be out in a nice bright and sunny, grass field?

hmm, i haven’t tried booleans yet, i’ll see how that works out. The textures are photos of metal that i found on the net. Currently, I only have paint (ha…ha…ha…) on my comp so i can’t reall make my own. I should get photoshop soon and that will help alot

DMBadCat I agree that the sides are a bit empty right now. In the wireframes i added in some panels but i might try something else.

Of course, i am grounded again this week (for some reason my dad doesn’t like me working with blender :-? …). Well, i might get a chance to update anyways.

My thumb is spasming out of control!!!

A very ambitious work indeed and not a very bad beginning too, actualy a damn good one!

Well, when i say small update…yeah…

well, i’m still grounded but managed to smuggle in like 5 mins. Tried booleans, got some weird results, going to leave it till the weekend so i don’t have to look over my shoulder all the time. anyways…

I’m not sure if i like the side panels and the two antenna like things need a little tweaking (guess how long those took :wink: )

maybe more interesting is this short anim. I put this together a week or two ago when i first got the idea for the project i’m working on. I wanted to show my friend (who i’ll be working with) roughly how it might look. Thus i tossed the above together. The only thing really about it is the concept. The buildings are going to be scrapped mostly and i’m starting from the bottom up again. Obviously, there are no textures and the particles were done really fast and then copied for speeds sake. (i also used planes for emitters which is why the explosions look a bit square)

anyways, like i said, this is a very, very rough idea of what part of it will be like.

The “guns” (hahaha) are going to be replaced by things like this missile launcher and i’m probably going to fake cannon and gunfire with muzzle flashes. I decided to take out the flying green blobs seen here. Anyways, i’d like thoughts on the basic concept. Also, some suggestions on how to make good explosion particles.

wow- this looks kinda cool, even though you may not like the pannels now… I think you could add something like a radar device to the panels, or maybe some temperature/wind gauges, something useful and cool…

it is looking better though! keep up, keep on, and blend to yer heart’s content…

*and I love the animation, awesome effects! I wish I could get something like that!

thanks Dm, cant do anything today but on the weekend i will be blending like there’s no tomorrow.

just a quick question though, it doesn’t seem to be casting shadows on itself. I’ve enabled shadows and the clipmap is certainly in the right area, but, the pipes and things don’t cast shadows. the entire missile launcher does cast a shodow onto the marble but the other things don’t…

i like it!

i think you have to add a spotlight to make shadows.

good luck, zlack

hmm, I dunno, unless you intentionally or accidentally clicked a button that made it not recieve shadows, or made it shadeless…

well, blender is blender, they still need to work on the lighting issues

hmm looked at everthing but still no shadows :-?

well, as long as the whole things casts a shadow its not a problem.

Anyways, here’s another small update


bigger one here

I added two little…umm…things to the side. Just pretend that they serve a purpose :wink:
O yeah, i got the holes now :slight_smile: . Heh, booleans make ugly meshes. I didn’t want to screw up the main mesh so i just made a place and did booleans with that. Took me a while (heh) to figure out what the different operations did exactly and which object to select first, sure i could have read a tutorial or spent the 10seconds to pull out the guide but hey %|

I could add more detail and i might but for now i think i’ll leave it. I’ll try to get a rotating and shooting anim soon.