August 24, 2006, 12:23pm
Hello, i have been using blender since 3 weeks and i find that really incredible (expect for te fact that it dosen’t run fast on my computer -_-)
I have found various tutorials such as wave effect and particles but they all require this :
It is a panel that i do not have on my blender. I did download it from the official site either the lastest version or the 1-2 before that.
I wonder, how can i get this panel? Ive searched for quite a while but nothing, as if it was abosulutly insane that i don’t have this panel.
August 24, 2006, 12:37pm
It is a panel that i do not have on my blender. I did download it from the official site either the lastest version or the 1-2 before that.
I wonder, how can i get this panel? Ive searched for quite a while but nothing, as if it was abosulutly insane that i don’t have this panel.
The current version is 2.42a (check under the Help menu)
The “Effects” panel has been moved to the Physics Buttons (F7 … there are two panels under F7 Object and Physics, pressing F7 repeatedly will toggle between them.)