Missing the "Target BO:" for a constraint...


According to the image above I should be having a box called “BO:” aside of the “OB:” box (middle upper-half), but I don’t http://forums.cgsociety.org/images/smilies/grin.gif
Any idea where this box was moved to?

I am following the “Lower Body Armature” tutorial.

Thanks in advance,


the box doesn’t appear until you enter the name of an armature in the OB field-you can use tab completion for both fields, btw.

Wait, there’s tab completion??

. . .

Dude. Though the hover copy/paste works better for me at the moment, that’s good to know. :smiley:

Excuse my ignorance, but, what’s Tab Completion?

Unfortunately it’s not recognizing the Obj when I type it in http://forums.cgsociety.org/images/smilies/grin.gif
I have also tried changing the name of the armature (to skeleton), but it still doesn’t recognize it. What can it be?

Should I put the file up?

Btw, I have hit Enter, and Tab.


Typt “A” in the field and hit Tab. Blender is Case Sensitive; it will accept “Armature” and reject “armature”.


…and of course, you can only enter the word “Armature” if that is the name of your armature. If it’s Armature.001 you have to enter that and so on. Same goes for Tab completion - “A” will only work if your armature name starts with “A” - if you’ve renamed if “Frank”, then you’ll need to enter “F”.

If you’re using copy/paste this shouldn’t be an issue and therefore a blend may be best.

Thanks guys, but I have already tried that too :frowning:

Maybe it’s time I made the file available for you to analize (should you want to), here it is: frank.zip
Btw, the bone having the constraint is Lower_leg.L


I think I know the problem.
You need to type the armature object name (in your case UpperBody) not the armature armature name (in your case skeleton)
in the link and materials you can see them:
AR:Skeleton OB:UpperBody
you want the OB: one…

You renamed your armature object to UpperBody. Enter exactly that in the OB: field of the constraint.

The text in the lower left of your 3D window shows the name of a selected object. In Pose mode, you see the name of the armature followed by the name of the selected bone.

Type “UpperBody”, that’s the name you gave the Object.


Ha ha… snap, snap and snap.

Excellent! Thank you so much guys! :slight_smile: I really appreciate your taking the time to checking out the file for me.