Mist-values (Sta, Di, Hi) don't seem to have any effect

Hi there!

Mist apears not the way I want. Only working parameter is “misi”. Mist-area is indicated by the camera’s mist-line correctly and the line moves when I alter “Sta” and “Di” values. But these changes don’t have any effect on mist apearance in the rendered picture. Instead rendered mist-area seems to stick with the clipping area of the cam. Did I forget a button, or is this a bug of version 2.42a?


It works for me. It has to have geometry though, it won’t lay mist against a background, because–in fact–mist IS the background, so if you want to see mist, make sure your camera can see a little ways past the mist end-point.

Thanks, but I do see the mist - thats not the problem. Problem is I cannot take influence on where it starts and where it ends. Mist starts right in front of the camera and it ends at the clipping-end. It’s always the same no matter what sta, di or hi -values I type in. These values simply seem to have no effect at all. Is there anybody with a similar problem? Only me? Darn!

Thanks, Ulli
