

Does anyone has a way to fix the mist problem, It’s way too thick. Jou might just think: disable mist orso but that doen’t work.

I use 2.55


If somone could help me, I would be verry happy!!!:smiley:

Make sure you are in Blender Game mode. Mist enabled only has two settings. Where it starts and where it becomes fully opaque as seen from the camera. It shouldn’t be too hard to experiment. Set the camera up and out and back a little from the origin. Say a distance of about 10 units. Stick a cube at the origin and place 10 more cubes each about 10 units further away. Set near to 15 and the nearest cube will be fog free. Set far to 50 and you’ll be able to see 4 or 5 cubes.

But I don’t have mist enabled at all, but it’s still misty, When I enable mist, it just gets worse…

plz look at the file

Duplicate the problem in a smaller file if you can. 9 meg is not a huge file but too often I download files only to find that the person just needs to do some more homework.


It probely is such a thing that I gust didn’t tought about but I’ve been creating polls with this problem discussed a week now and I havn’t got a answer thats helps…

I dont understand why it’s such a problem to download, you can delete the file afterwards if you want

you might think I’m just another newbie that’s yust too lazy too find it out himself…

But I’ve been using blender for 2 jears now so I’m not really new anymore…

Ok I looked at a scene called lvl1. Mist was disabled and I could see an airplane above a river, with land either side. The skysphere and the river bed were bright pink which is a default color that can be set in Textures. There were no image files in the blend. No problem. In World I could see that mist was disabled but settings had been made at about 2000 units. With mist enabled I ran it again. Even without textures it looked Ok with some mist appearing in the distance near the horozon. It looked fine.

That was a user view. There was a camera view of the same scene that showed another plane behind. Mistiness didn’t appear to be a problem here either.

It’s a work in progress. You’ve got a sky sphere. I can’t know whether you have got textures applied yet or applied properly. There are probably a lot of things you need to learn, same as most of us, but I don’t think there’s any problem with visibility or mist happening here.

I’m sorry i believe I’ve got several blend files with the same name…

this is the right one: (with textures) http://www.mediafire.com/?qrc99xt4x9x0brt

I’m sorry, It happed before so now changed It’s name so it cant happen again…

i added some screenshots just to clearify the problem

If you look at he right screenshot you can see that I’ve not gotten mist enabled

(shift to make the plane go forward)

I’m not downloading another one. For one thing you can post files up to 10 meg to the forum and I think they download quicker from here than mediafire.

I think what you are asking is why you can’t see the textured skysphere in the second image. I don’t know. Try a few things. Get into the 3d view and rotate the camera around. In User View zoom in and out, rotate around, up and down. Or drag the skysphere around and see if it comes into view. Flip it’s normals around. All the usual stuff. Or fly around in the sim and see if you can see the skysphere only sometimes or all the time.

Post again soon to tell us that you’ve figured it out.

no I’m sorry

The problem isn’t in not seeing textures i think, when I play and move the plane forward, it cuts off a pice (see the right image in my previos post) and when you move even further it consumes the whole plane, It can’t be the skydome I’m flying trough, this is just 100 unsits away orso the dome is about 4500 so it cant be that…

you can try to play in your downloaded version, it has the plane movement also

I suspect that the cam isn’t showing more then 100 units ahead

U might think: “he didn’t even took the time to play with it propely in those tree minutes!!” but I’m sure that it cant be what you say, when I rotate the cam (with mouse) the line where the vieuw stopes moves with it (no there isn’t a sphere ttached to the cam!!, but thats how it looks)

What I thought was a second plane was actually a propellor that may gotten lost somehow. It could be a bit of a mess. It’s difficult to navigate this blend. It may be that things have been moved around in design mode without consideration of their parentage, including the camera. Terrible things can happen if this has been done.

If this is the problem, I haven’t figured it out myself yet. But I try to be careful when I’m building objects using parenting and applying rotations and locations. And once built not moving them around until runtime. Come to think of it might request some help myself on this.

did you download the newer version or still the one without textures?

note: everyting is named now

the onely thing thats parented is the cam and the player cube

OMG!!! stop calling help,

I can’t comprehend that I didn’t saw that before, I went at least 10 times trough that panel:o

Camera clipping was on at 100:o:o

Sometimes I can be so stupid!!

Anyway thanks for you help

sorry AGIAN!:o

you where right I yust didn’t do my homework BUT I WENT TROUGH THAT PANEL AT LEAST 10 TIMES!!! I really can’t understand how I missed that…:o

do you know how to kinda parent the cam to the player plane sothat it moves with the plane and the cam can turn independitli from the plane, when parent it rotates the plane when I rotate…

Never mind. There will be more problems to solve but that one’s fixed. You found it so well done. I looked at clipping at thought I saw settings that were high. Like you’d already set it, maybe set it higher than needed. Oh well.

Now you can edit the title of the thread to mark it [Solved] .