Hi !
It’s the worst bathroom I have seen ! (naaah just being harsh cause you asked for it )
Now for the constructive part: First thing that hit me is the frozen mirrors - is it what you aimed for ? - well you can’t do makeup with such ones
Is somehow seems to me you were following Andrew Price’s tutorial (correct me if I’m wrong), but I see you 've given it some original twist which is good - I mean very good !
Creativity is always the way to go and learn.
I am kind of wondering about the bathtub area - would like to see some other shots of the interior
I am not quite sure about some dimensions (the height of the tub, also the lamps seem to be on different levels - the one on the left )
The lighting is also quite strange. There’s a lot of light in the tub and floor and pretty dark in the center of the shot - where the natural focus goes.
So the thing looks promising but needs some tweaks.
Maybe cosider adding some slip mat for someone leaving the tub. It would also make the floor less empty.
Keep blending
Jarek D (DJ)
I like it quite a lot, but I agree with the previous poster about the lighting being odd. I can visualize there being a window letting in daylight from the tub area, but I think a possible way to add more light to the room could be to put a light in the shower area? It would illuminate the glass door and shine through somewhat into the room. Lighting the actual lights over the sinks might be too much and having an over head light with those lights already existing might feel strange too.
Also, you called it “Misty Bathroom”. Maybe try adding in some mist, perhaps originating in the shower area and up near the ceiling.
Over all, I think this is looking really great though! A few tweeks and it’ll be perfect! Hope to see the final render!
I think the things that would make the most immediate improvement are:
Turn the lights on! Almost all interiors have lights on. I think the lighting is accurate for the situation but that doesn’t make it pleasant. Give the interior lights a slightly orange tiny with the black body node.
Fix the mirrors. I can see you’ve experimented with this, but I think they look like a piece of art rather than a mirror. Put a plane in front of them with a mix between a green tinted transparent and perfect glossy then just use a perfect glossy for the mirror surface.
- the texture seems fine though the illusion of its look is seems flat
- the contrast is strong add a bit of haze to make it nice to look. its not realistic to look on contrasty image its like a filter use by phone.
- its too uniform and symmetrical on the center piece add a cloth there somewhere, rug etc.
- open that light and make sure its warm wight
- where is the source of light? it seems the light on the tub is too strong to lighten up almost all area in lux calculation this is not possible though its still possible by applying high lumen fixture *but it will wash out that tub area so open every light else you have large window near tub.