Mix shader


I try to understand the mix shader.

  • how you know what input nodes the ‘shader’ input takes? Are it all bsdf nodes in blender or even more?

  • what is the ‘fac’ slider do to combine the 2 shaders?

When you add a new node, everything in the “shader” category can be taken by the mix shader. It’s color coded: the shader nodes are green and they go into the green slots.

It can also take a color or a value input (yellow or gray slots), but those will just be interpreted as an emissive shader.

The fac takes values between 0 an 1 (black and white). 0 means that the top shader is used, 1 that the bottom shader is used and 0.5 will mix between the 2 equally. You can also texture the fac with a black and white image, which will make certain parts of your objects use one material and other parts of the object use the other material.