Mix two Materials on ONE object

Searched Google now for half an hour, and thanks to their **** way to change the results depending of what you searched before I can´t even find things I´ve searched two minutes before. Thanks, Google, your like Ubisoft: Offline you´re awesome, online you´re crap! :mad:

So, I have the earth, beautiful (depends on what you like…) and lonely in space, and an asteroid, crashing into it. Some Armageddon stuff looks always cool! :smiley:
So, I have the “normal” earth material, and a crackled earth material on the SAME object (earth). I can select faces and give them the material manually, but I kinda want to paint it, via Weight Paint or so, because in the way I did it there are bad edges,
Open up texture paint crashs my Blender immediately (and it seems like they removed textures tab from the newest version, had to maually open it via displacement modifier), so I´m really annoyed at the moment.
Anyone kows how to do it? Many thanks.


and it seems like they removed textures tab from the newest version, had to maually open it via displacement modifier

Show us what you are talking about (screenshots and demo blend file as a minimum)
What renderer are you using
You can paint a texture (b+w) to control the mix of two textures with a MixRGB or Mix shader node

I´m using Cycles.
Under the material tab, I clicked “new”, set the material, thank clicked on “+”, so I added another material to the same object. Then set the material, and now I want to combine them via weight paint or any brush except texture painting (because it is crashing all the time).
Can´t do the screenshot, the PC where the project is saved on isn´t connected with the internet.

Actually when you are texture painting on an object, Blender makes a vertex group out of it. But vertex groups always have jagged edges, as they rely on the geometry of the object. You could of course subdivide the mesh to a crazy amount of vertices, but it would be a complete waste of your computer’s resources and the aliasing would still be visible.
The solution to this is to use your normal Earth and your crakled one in ONE material. Then you can decide when to put them with a mask: that is a BW texture plugged in the Factor input of a Mix shader. With that you won’t have aliasing, as the number of vertices of the object isn’t taken into account.

Blender render can mix materials. Cycles can’t, it uses shaders.

Texture painting happens on an image so it’s texture pixel density dependent. Vertex paint adds color information on vertices and is geometry dependent.

Add both of your material node setups to the same material. Then use a mix shader between the two, and a grey scale image to drive the factor for the mix. Cycles can mix anything, except different material slots.

Thanks! But the reason I did two materials is that I´ve put in displacement in the crackles material output. If I put both materials together, this displacement value would be overall.

Mix/Multply the displacement using the same factor as the surface material?

You can make the displacement by using the Normal input of the Diffuse and the Glossy shaders. To do that, add a Bump node (Add > Vector > Bump), plug its output into the Normal input of the Diffuse and the Glossy shaders, then take the output of the node setup that does the displacement and plug it into the Height input of the Bump node. And voilà, it’s done.

Note: Using the Bump node and the Displacement input of the Material Output node are two methods that do the same thing. The method with the Bump node is the newer one.

I had a situation recently where I wanted to mix two signicantly different materials on an object (different software). In the end I created two identical objects, one with each material, and worked with the geo to determine which one was showing at any point.