Unfortunately, when rendering an animation, I have found another issue with gliches on beard (it looks like transparency doesn’t work time to time). I thought, that this is only a random glitch… but when I rendered it again, the problem exist exacly on the same frames. For example 160 and 161:
The problem with the shiny material seems to be that the roughness map isn’t actually a roughness map but a gloss map instead, which is the reverse. You could try put an invert color node between the “roughness” texture and the principled bsdf node.
Another thing with fbx assets is that it sometimes don’t translate specular and metallic values well. So you have to set it manually. Metallic is always 0 for non metallic objects and always 1 for metallic objects. and specular should be 0.5.
For the Transparency glitch I’m still not sure. What render engine did you use to render the video with?
Edit: Could be a denoising artifact from low samples and small size?
Thank you a lot for all advices. Color inversion seems to work!
Regarding transparency glitch:
I tried to turn off denoising but the result is the same. I compared my first renders and the only think I changed is… motion blur. And that was the root cause!
But why? What does motion blur have to do with it?
Seeing as though it’s the motion blur, then it has something to do with the animations. So I deleted all the keyframes and it rendered fine. Then I went through the bones and tried deleting some useless keyframes and I might have found a solution.
Try deleting all the W quarternion keyframes (it doesn’t change much. like 0.000001 every keyframe) for this bone.
There might be others, but unfortunately I don’t have the time to render and go through all the bones.
Edit: Tried it again and still the same on another frame. I still believe it’s the animations fault. maybe you could use mixamo’s keyframe reduction when you download the file and replace the animations.
You can see an example I gave when I joined all the objects and the artefacts disappear, even on the other objects.
The deformation motion blur also has limitations on auto smooth objects and changing topology. but I tried removing custom normals and shade flat and smooth and it’s still the same
Wow! Finally I have found some bug not my knowledge limits!
@oo_1942@Jaxx Thank you a lot for your support and deep analysis. I didn’t even expect that much help. Inverting colors of Roughness texture for sure will help me in future projects when I use Mixamo characters.
I will add and set motion blur to compositor to check the results (I don’t want to destroy model by joining all mesh to one object). I think I will also download 3.4 version to compare the results with build in Motion Blur (as far as I know they work a bit different).
Do you think that I should report it to Blender?
BTW: You saved Pete’s beard! The plan B was to shave him But instead of serious warehouse manager look he looks like a lost student!