Mixing attractors in displacement of grid

I’m trying to mix different attractors influences on the same grid obj, do “sculpt” a terrain non destructively, but I’m stumped at trying to mix the effect of more than one, while having each with a different relative distance and strength, and not moving the general position of the grid from its origin.

I know that I can mix different attractors in cascade, duplicating part of the node graph, and using the output geometry of one attractor as the input of the next, but it’s not very efficient.

This my node graph so far:

The effect:

An example of what I would want to mix with the above:

Additionally, the value node sets basically whether the attraction is positive or negative; How could I mix both in the same geonode?

Any help, please?

Also: would it be possible to use curves instead of meshes as attractors?

Just use a collection info and realize everything and do it in one pass…

Kinda… you still need to convert to mesh but then use Proximity in Edge mode

Also, don’t forget about the mix node. You can mix vectors in interesting ways using different mixing modes. Experiment.

Hope that helped.


Fantastic, that’s exactly what I needed, thank you! :slight_smile: