Mixing up subsurf and mesh

Hi there,

I’m currently modelling my first car, and I’m stuck with regard to adding the finer details. For instance, the body is currently using a subsurf modifier. I’m pleased with the smooth look in general, however, I’d like to add the odd sharp detail, such as an air vent or a sharper-than-usual- crease or a sharp indent, say, for the headlights. Subsurf doesn’t seem to like me doing these things. How do I mix it up?

Thanks a lot.

There are several ways to add creases to a subsurfed mesh - the one that gives the best results is to use 3 rows (edge loops) of verts close together to define the edge.


Thanks a lot, for both the images and the advice. I figured as much, but thought there might have been another way. :slight_smile:

With these options you will trade fewer polygons for less control:
