I downloaded 3 plugins to convert different formats to PMX or PMD files, but I keep getting this error:
the plugins I installed were blender2pmx, blender26meshio, and the mmd_tools plugins
I already re-installed blender, and uninstalled and reinstalled the plugins, but I keep getting this error. All I want is to convert a 3ds model to an MMD. Help?
You need to look carefully what version of Blender those scripts were made for. Blender changes constantly - you can’t just expect for any oldish addon to work flawlessly in current versions.
Get a matching previous version of Blender here.
BTW, a folder named “blender26meshio” is a strong indicator that this plugin was intended for Blender 2.6x…
I have been having the same issues, and no search result I have found has helped me in any shape or form. Not even the response here was of any help. I just got the same error message I was getting before after downloading an older version of blender to try with the plugin.