In a script: i use many similar functions acting on sizeX,LocX and RotX of the selected object.
Because thes functions also exist for Y and Z i thought i could make a generic function and call it with, let’s say RotZ as argument if i wanted it to act upon the object’s Z value
I dont mind having a lot of functions, but maybe it would be more elegant that way.
For example i could have a LocX reset function:
def ResetXLoc():
for obj in selObj:
But because LocY and LocZ would be similar, why not make a generic reset function:
def Reset(Arg):
for obj in selObj:
where Arg is either LocX LocY or LocZ depending on what i need…
Alas !
It doesn’t work so easily.
I thought i could try with functions i don’t fully master like exec() str() etc…
One idea was to pass the argument as a string (“LocX” for instance) and then make the " disappear with exec or so…
I wasn’t successful…
Someone knows if it is at all possible ?
I am sure some master of Python around here will find a way !
My brain is a little dead today (well for the past couple of weeks), but lets see what we could do:
def resetX():
reset x code goes here
def resetY():
reset y code goes here
def resetZ():
reset z code goes here
def resetAll():
This code will allow you to easily set one axis or reset them all
or you could do something like you suggested and use integers and elif as a switch statement:
def reset(arg):
if arg == 0:
reset X code
elif arg == 1:
... so forth
reset all code
There are more creative/efficient ways I’m sure ( I can think of little spurts of code of some of them), I’m just too brain dead to think them all the way through right now…
import Blender
args = 'LocX', 'LocY', 'RotZ' # one or more target values as strings
objs = Blender.Object.GetSelected()
def resetter(args, objs):
for ob in objs:
for arg in args: exec('ob.%s=0.0' % arg)
resetter(args, objs)
add your own error checking code.
(above could be shrunk into a semi-oneliner, but this way it is obvious what it does and how it should be called in your prog)
squeeze w/o lambada:
import Blender
args = 'LocX', 'LocY', 'RotX'
def rst(ob,arg): exec('ob.%s=0.0'%arg)
[rst(ob,arg) for arg in args for ob in Blender.Object.GetSelected()]
@ j: i am learning python and was trying to reLocate objects, doGUI etc…
@forTe:1st proposal: yep, that is exactly what i did. But knowing that the code is so similar between functions, and that i am eager to learn, i was thinking of a generic function.
2nd proposal: well, you still write all the code but inside one function… It is not exactly what i meant…
Thanks anyway !
@Tedi: it does look like what i was thinking of . I ll have a go soon !
I tried with exec() but couldn’t work out exactly how to do…
@ Tedi: Thanks man: that does the trick. I wasn’t able to find out how to use the exec statement. I still find it a bit magical but i am learning !
It feels great to have people like you around !