That would be awesome, but no like moving things along like a track sort of as well too though? Like for example. if I have a slide or make something move if I touch part of a prop? I think this is going to be potentially a life saver though.
So, if I may ask; what is being worked on for the next update?
Hi! I bought 10 4.5 "flex sensors to make Arduglove. Is the schematic the same as the original project?
I tried a 10k and 20k resistor in series with the flex sensor but it is not working properly. The fingers are shaking in the APS and when I bend the flex sensor the finger rotates several times.
Can you add a schematic to the AnimationPrepStudio-ArduGlove project so other people can reproduce the gloves?
Hey, I just sent you a PM containing images of the ArduGlove prototype.
Thank you for helping me. I am still having the same problem. I didn’t use a capacitor when reproducing the diagram, is it really necessary? What is its value and voltage? I am sending 2 videos showing the problems that are happening when reproducing and calibrating Arduglove.
When I enter in Calibration Gloves it is hard see and change de value of sensor sliders, especially those on the left. I think that best position is in center.
Using your schematic, I discover that the vibration in the fingers was the noise of the analog port on the Arduino. To prevent this I’m using this library: ResponsiveAnalogRead. I am also sending the code used in Arduino. I left a finger receiving the data directly from A4 for you to see the error that occurred.
I don’t know if this is the problem, but if in the Calibrate Gloves script you use a dot as a decimal separator, this will cause problems in Windows 10 with a regional setting in Portuguese that uses a comma.
No calibration too:
P.S.: I don’t know if this is the best place to post these videos? please inform me
Hello Augusto!
Thank you for sending those videos. I apologize for difficulties in the software. Next week I will try to look into a solution and possibly create a patch for the current public version.
We have been very busy here all week and I am sorry I have not been able to respond to you sooner. In the future for faster response you may email me directly at: [email protected]
And glove support is something we definitely wish to better support, so your questions have come at a perfect time and I hope to address them in short time.
Thanks for your support and all of the great bug reports, they have helped out tremendously !!
This would be great for me if it worked with rigified characters in 2.8
Where is the record button on the video camera in Animation Prep Studio? I am using an Oculus Quest with Oculus touch controllers.
APS Luxor - Released
Man I sincerely appreciate what you are contributing to the community; the program as well as the informational videos. Great work!
The latest beta of APS (Luxor) now supports building avatars manually from .fbx models.
no render results of that avatar
New, create Panoramic Point-Clouds in APS using an IPhone + SteamVR tracker.
I’ve been using the Vive Mocap Kit for Unreal for the past few months, assembling the data in place in Unreal (I work with sequences of shots) and rexporting it back to Blender. But this seems to be as good or maybe even better!
I’ll definitely give it a try soon!
Quick questions:
I have many questions, but I’ll first try it out and then bug you with them if you don’t mind
Needless to say, You Rock!!! : D
Hi Ray, I do not use Unreal engine much myself however some users have used APS to create mocap and export it from Blender as .fbx to Unreal (this video shows creating .fbx from APS). Also it is possible to use APS Luxor and live sync the mocap data with avatars in the Unity Editor in real-time, you may check out this message on Discord for more info on how to live sync.
And feel free to ask questions! I check ba often but the APS Discord is also a nice place because it’s instant and the amazing community there tends to chime in more.
And thank you for the compliment! I hope the automation built into APS makes creating mocap for Blender a less repetitive and more enjoyable experience!
face capture features available in APS Luxor (beta).