I’m creating a script that uses a modal timer, but I noticed that every time I call it, it goes faster with no way for me to reverse it. How would I reset it to the initial timer rate? It’s based on the default modal timer in the templates section, and I noticed that that script has the same issue. Is it because it keeps adding handlers, or another problem? Below is the problematic section of code. Any help would be appreciated!
_timer = None
def modal(self, context, event):
global counter
vis_run = context.scene.vis_run
if event.type == 'TIMER':
counter += 1
print (counter)
if not vis_run:
vis_run = False
return {"FINISHED"}
if counter <= 25:
bpy.data.node_groups["NodeGroup"].nodes["Mix"].inputs[7].default_value = (1,0,0,1)
bpy.data.materials["Glow"].node_tree.nodes["Mix"].inputs[0].default_value = 0
bpy.data.node_groups["NodeGroup"].nodes["Mix"].inputs[7].default_value = (.3,.3,.3,1)
bpy.data.materials["Glow"].node_tree.nodes["Mix"].inputs[0].default_value = 1
if counter == 35:
counter = 0
return {'PASS_THROUGH'}
def execute(self, context):
global tracker
context.scene.vis_run = True
wm = context.window_manager
self._timer = wm.event_timer_add(0.01, window=context.window)
return {'RUNNING_MODAL'}
def cancel(self, context):
wm = context.window_manager
self._timer = None