Moddeling Lightning

Hey does any one know how to moddel lightning because no matter how hard I try I just can’t do it.

Make a search on this forum.

This is a recurrent question.

A tut on my site



From an old post -

Lighting can be tough. Maybe I can help.

Here is a Blender Spotlight Tutorial (a must read)

These are not Blender specific but you can learn technique from them.

Here isJeremy Birn’s 3 Point Lighting Tutorial

Here is Amaan Akram’s Advanced Lighting Techniques Tutorial (really good).

Here is Nawyecky’s Faking Global Illumination Tutorial

Faking Sunlight

Softlights 101

Good luck.

and next time, please post questions like that in the Questions & Answers forum.

And I’m closing this, since, by site policy, off topic threads are locked.
