Model and Texture are ALWAYS black

Ive been really trying to fix this by myself and with the help of google but i cant.

Im starting to paint a model of mine but somehow it doesnt work.
Ive been watching countless tutorials in order to solve my problem but i just didnt work.

No matter what I do i just cant draw anything on whatever. My model and the diffuse map always stay pitch black for some reason.

Pls tell me what im missing and how to fix this. :spin:

Heres the main body file for checking out
Turtle Guard P1.blend (1.08 MB)

Solution is - export your guy into .obj file keeping uvs and import back into a new blend file.
There might be something broken in the file you posted.

Your model has a slot for an object material, but no material assigned. If you switch the material assignment to Data, it has a Cycles material, but you’re using BI.

Your model has a slot for an object material, but no material assigned. If you switch the material assignment to Data, it has a Cycles material, but you’re using BI.

Also, you’re using a black texture both on your painting texture, and on your painting mask texture. That nullifies any effect your brush may have.