I’ve got a problem with Blender (2.49b). If I render my object, it has the color that’s set to the world. The same happens even if the model is inside a cube, so it can’t reflect the world. Check the screen, you can see it there…
Thanks for any help.
Have you switched on Ambient Occlusion and set it to Sky Colour ?
I haven’t done this before, but if I switch it on, the result is almost the same, still red.
(btw the red color is just to show what it does, the same happens with any color)
In the materials / Transparency settings you have set a Fresnel value which is causing the problem.
Reduce this to zero or in the render settings, below the large render button change from ‘Sky’ to ‘Premul’
That’s it.
Thank you very much, really appriciate your help!