I searched for awhile and couldn’t find anything to answer this problem specifically, but I would assume this is a fairly common problem, I just couldn’t find anything about it.
I have created two seperate meshes and joined them as one object, my reasoning for this was it was not creating the proper ctrl-r edge loops when I extruded from off my original object. I want these two objects to intersect perpendicular to each other. I started off with it looking like this:
I then added two edge loops so the vertices would match up for joining. I then merged them together, and merging in any order results in ugly joins like these two:
How do I get it be smooth when joining, and also so that there isnt a seam that shows obviously when subsurfing? I joined without subsurf on too btw. Thanks.
I would not join the two, but just smush them together, and let Blender figure out where the seam goes and make it look pretty. Vertices in a mesh do not have to all connect. For example, insert a tube an deselect all vertices. While still in edit mode, insert another tube, and rotate the selected vertices 90 degrees, and grab them and push it into the first tube. Tab out of edit mode and voila.
You can do the same with two cubes/shoeboxes, with subsurf on level 2 you get the picture you are looking for.
You also have to delete the faces inside the joined portion. It’s what causing those ugly black lines. It would also be a good idea to press A key to select all vertices, Ctrl N to recalculate the normals then Wkey set smooth to finish it off. If you press Ctrl N and find black faces popping up randomly in various places in the edit mode, it is a good indication that you have non manifold faces in you model.
You should also do loop cuts and slide the newly formed edgeloops close to the joined area so that the joint would not be rounded when subsurfed.
I would not join the two, but just smush them together, and let Blender figure out where the seam goes and make it look pretty. Vertices in a mesh do not have to all connect. For example, insert a tube an deselect all vertices. While still in edit mode, insert another tube, and rotate the selected vertices 90 degrees, and grab them and push it into the first tube. Tab out of edit mode and voila.
Blender doesn’t do this…
Grafix has it, it’s the faces inside the join that are your problem.