Hey, this is a really sweet looking project. 
You have some great looking concept art and the soundtracks of your sound designer are really kicking. I’m going through his youtube channel right now.
A couple of quick questions…
Is the artist that created the monster2concept image still working with you? I could really do some good stuff with reference images like this.
Is the sound designer that has such skills with the piano still with your team? I love the track Odd Electronic by him, although I’m more of a basshead myself. 
Since you linked this track, is this the kind of vibe you’re going for with the game’s soundscapes? It’s a damned good vibe. :yes:
[edit]Having listened to that track again, I have to say that I’d happily pay for an 8-minute version of it. It has traces of both trance (Astral Projection?) and dub. It’s a really mellow and reflective riff, but kinda uplifting. However, it’s well too short. Where it leaves off is just where the bass should start kicking in. Reference some dubstep on youtube for “the drop”. Just as I’m getting into the vibe it finishes. :([/edit]
And now some more serious game-changing questions…
You seem to have a lot of people in your teams and there are quite a few teams being assembled.
Do you have any finished games under your belt?
Do you have any texture artists? Or would you expect your modelers to also be texture artists? Creation of game textures is an art in itself.
How far along is the gameplay development? You say you need modelers, but it’s simple to create a game with templates and then test gameplay mechanics in fairly sterile environments, adding finished assets when they are ready.
You mention that you are creating a story-driven game. How much of the story is written?
I’m sure more will come to mind, but the biggest inspiration that I get from your project is from the music and the concept art, which both seem excellent. There are a lot of questions though, and people on this forum tend to be a bit cautious committing to a project since it seems 99% of projects never even make it to playable status, much less release.
Having said all this, your enthusiasm is clear, you appear to be working on a game in my area of interest and you do have some talented people on your team. I might be willing to contribute, but would have to retain the rights to any assets until the game is released. I’m simply not willing to spend the time working on assets and then hand the rights over to a company/project/manager with the promise of royalties regardless of whether the game ever makes it to market. I guess my last question is “Is the retaining of rights until release acceptable?” Of course, the assets would not be released by myself unless the project is dead and would not be released outside the game if the project makes it to market.