Modelers Needed [Royalty]

Hello, my name is Chris. I work for an indie game development team, and we are in need of modelers. The pay is royalty from the game earnings.

More detailed description of the project can be found here.

If you are interested you’ll also find the contact email there.

That is all. Thank you for your time. :slight_smile:

Hey, this is a really sweet looking project. :smiley:

You have some great looking concept art and the soundtracks of your sound designer are really kicking. I’m going through his youtube channel right now.

A couple of quick questions…

Is the artist that created the monster2concept image still working with you? I could really do some good stuff with reference images like this.

Is the sound designer that has such skills with the piano still with your team? I love the track Odd Electronic by him, although I’m more of a basshead myself. :wink:
Since you linked this track, is this the kind of vibe you’re going for with the game’s soundscapes? It’s a damned good vibe. :yes:
[edit]Having listened to that track again, I have to say that I’d happily pay for an 8-minute version of it. It has traces of both trance (Astral Projection?) and dub. It’s a really mellow and reflective riff, but kinda uplifting. However, it’s well too short. Where it leaves off is just where the bass should start kicking in. Reference some dubstep on youtube for “the drop”. Just as I’m getting into the vibe it finishes. :([/edit]

And now some more serious game-changing questions…

You seem to have a lot of people in your teams and there are quite a few teams being assembled.

Do you have any finished games under your belt?

Do you have any texture artists? Or would you expect your modelers to also be texture artists? Creation of game textures is an art in itself.

How far along is the gameplay development? You say you need modelers, but it’s simple to create a game with templates and then test gameplay mechanics in fairly sterile environments, adding finished assets when they are ready.

You mention that you are creating a story-driven game. How much of the story is written?

I’m sure more will come to mind, but the biggest inspiration that I get from your project is from the music and the concept art, which both seem excellent. There are a lot of questions though, and people on this forum tend to be a bit cautious committing to a project since it seems 99% of projects never even make it to playable status, much less release.

Having said all this, your enthusiasm is clear, you appear to be working on a game in my area of interest and you do have some talented people on your team. I might be willing to contribute, but would have to retain the rights to any assets until the game is released. I’m simply not willing to spend the time working on assets and then hand the rights over to a company/project/manager with the promise of royalties regardless of whether the game ever makes it to market. I guess my last question is “Is the retaining of rights until release acceptable?” Of course, the assets would not be released by myself unless the project is dead and would not be released outside the game if the project makes it to market.

Not yet sure if I want to join… As a modeler, that is…

But My first impression is:
The story looks kinda extreme… I’m skeptical on how the writing can end up as a whole… If you really want to get this current story to work out, you need a great writer. Unless you want to make it kinda humorous, that would definitely work out.
First person shooters sell because of either their extremely good graphics (Which you won’t have) or ridiculously fun and addicting gameplay. How could you describe the gameplay? Arcade shooting of masses of monsters (Almost like Serious sam) or what? :slight_smile:
The music writing is not nearly as good as, let’s say, the heroes of might and magic series :slight_smile:
But i guess it’s ok. If you need help with music, i could definitely help out here and there…

Personally, I think that if this is your teams first project, you should start with something simple, yet sell-able, currently I think you are putting to much on your plate.

I will model for you if you would like… I make 2-10 models a day. I am sure i could devote one or two for your game. Here is my email address send me the details… -Thanks Happy Blending… [email protected]

Seems I didnt make my self clear, Im only working FOR the team, not the leader. :slight_smile:

Its better if the boss him self answers your questions, so I forwarded them to him, and you will receive the answers shortly.

Personally, I think that if this is your teams first project, you should start with something simple, yet sell-able, currently I think you are putting to much on your plate.

This is one of the games being developed by “EXILED MINDS”, theres two more smaller games. One of them should be out in a months notice.

I am one of the concept artists here, and a modeler and concept artist in another game.

PS: You can ask the questions here, or send the messages to the email on that thread.


Hi, I’m the director of exiled minds, this message if being redirected to you by one of our concept artists.
U seem to know a lot about this projects, I would like to see your portfolio, send something back to [email protected].
The odd electronic song was from a looong loong time ago, actually like 3 months lol, this project started as a sidescroller but we started to get popular and assembled a large large team. That composer left a long time ago, well he didn’t left, we kicked him since he never
did anything, I’m sorry if you wanted to hear from him. The music on the hiring thread is made by 2 composers, one is still working on the project and the other one was sent to work in another small project, something more plants vs zombies tyle.
There is no problem on on the rights stuff.
There is still not gameplay but not because we are lazy or something like that, the other 3 projects are currently being worked on and you have to understand that this is our core project so things to make it “start pumping full steam ahead” takes time.
Nope we have not released any game in the past, we are a young team, however one of our projects is building a small ios game to test marketing issues, it should be finished in around a month. We are still working in being established, and by that I mean that the website is
currently being worked on, as we speak. 
I have worked quite hard building all this teams etc etc, I have to deal with my daily live and career, so as you know it has been hell for me, but there is not turning back, there as never been, it is not an option.
The story is totally written but there are changes being made every now and then, and it is important stuff to the company, only a few members know about it, the dialogues for it are being work on(barely started). We are attempting to make strikers of the exile a franchise so for that there is a lot to do and it is not an easy job.
Also I don’t want the first game to go too deep into the story as the first part of every franchise always starts with something cool to attract the player, like cool graphics, guns, enemies etc, as they hunger for more they start to pay attention to the game story and buying the sequels that
have now more story. This is not a 100% accurate but it is how a casual player does their stuff.
We are expecting the modelers to texture but we are also looking for specialized texture artists.
About the 99% chance of projects dying, u are completely right. Time is unpredictable and bad things may happen to the team/ project, they lose moral and then leave, we understand that, but as along as you stick with me and the rest of the “hard working” team, you will see the project,
you will work on it, you will play it, u will enjoy it and u will get your money and decide if you want to stay with us some more time.

Yes the monster2concept artist is still working with us.
Hope to talk with you soon.

Please send the rest of the questions directly to his email, as this “pay it forward” service can get messy lol

Daniel_Gordillo, I’ve sent you a PM :stuck_out_tongue: