I’m still awaiting a big tutorial PDF that I can read offline for the new Blender 2.43, so until then I’ve been a bit quiet on the Blender front. But glancing through here I realized that the links to my November '06 face-modeling tut for noobs had died - so without further ado, here is the ‘refreshed’ face-modeling tut for noobs. Enjoy.
(What I said in November 2006, below:
Hi! I’m still a noob in so many respects, but I enjoy contributing where I can. TorQ’s original ‘A Better Face Tutorial’ which is nearly three years old now was great and the basis for this tutorial. But it assumed that the reader knew a lot about Blender already, and in taking that for granted, it left a lot of questions being asked by us clueless noobs. So, while making sure to give a lot of credit to TorQ’s original tut, I’ve made a tutorial on how to model a human face using edgelooping in Blender, written for the total noob. I really like tuts that assume you barely know how to turn on a computer, let alone know anything about the tut subject material. I hope this will be helpful to someone, and of course your comments and feedback will help me to make better tuts in the future. And of course I am but one of many tut-makers, and certainly I am one of the lesser skilled (at Blender AND tut-making). Anyway, 'nuff said.
Rachel )
Edited out links as they redirected to porn*
(six JPEG images total in this tut - use and display them anywhere and everywhere, whoever you are, so long as it’s not for profit)
nice work my only complaint is you did them as jpegs so had to save and zoom right in to read them, while i am here how come hypoerlinks are apearing faint on my computer on the internet has anyone else noticed this or are my eyes going funny?
really a nice work, everything works smoothly!!!
Vorad, is it possibile that you add also a way to make full Heads and not only faces with edgelooping? Is it possible??
After you make the face using Torq’s method, completing the head is a simple matter of reapeatedly extruding the top row of vertices. You rotate each extrusion to look like spokes radiating out from the ear like the attached picture. Then you fill in the gap between the neck and the jawline by filling in faces with the F key.
if i may just add to note the basic edges/curvature/points of the head and scalp - as lotrj did pretty well as far as i know off the top of my head (hey i wonder if that’s how that saying got started? ;P) - because it’s not completely or perfectly round, though this of course varies from person to person.
i love your tut as a noob to blender and 3d its nice to know there is someone out there looking after us you have given me new hope in getting my head around blender thanks again
I’m still awaiting a big tutorial PDF that I can read offline for the new Blender 2.43, so until then I’ve been a bit quiet on the Blender front. But glancing through here I realized that the links to my November '06 face-modeling tut for noobs had died - so without further ado, here is the ‘refreshed’ face-modeling tut for noobs. The new fresh links are found in the very first post in this thread at the top - Enjoy.
Sorry I bumped this thread but I wanted to do this tutorial and the image links are bad. Can somebody please update the links or something. Or perhaps point me to another face tutorial for noobs.