Modeling a mixer board. need a tip

hello there, im in the process of modeling this object! and i cant seen to get these lines out during render, its fine in the view port but during the render they seem to popout. any suggestions ?

pic #1 rendered
pic#2 edit mode
pic #3 faces selected in edit mode

thank you

Screenshot 2024-03-11 052502

Screenshot 2024-03-11 052552
Screenshot 2024-03-11 052628
Screenshot 2024-03-11 052655

For your top face use grid fill with offset instead of a triangulated fillā€¦should take only a few minutes to replace what you haveā€¦keep any bevels down to the minimum or you will have overlaps. Use a subdivision surface with one level/simpleā€¦

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Have you tried the Weighted Normal modifier?

The scene: op-1.blend (1.2 MB)

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thank you. i tried to use grid fill & modifiers solution nd they both worked perfectly thank you very much

thank you. i tried to use grid fill & modifiers solution nd they both worked perfectly thank you very much

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