Modeling a rose

I’m a newb who’s trying to model a rose. I think that it’s coming along fairly well but I’m looking for c&c as well as suggested methods for modeling something like this. My technique was to use nurbs surfaces shaped into rose petals and then arranged carefully. I found a few other techniques but nothing looked right except for manually modifying the curves. It’s not finished (not nearly) but it’s finally beginning to take shape. Let me know what you think :slight_smile:


looks good. are you going to add a stem? also the image seems a a little dark. i know that was the intended effect just saying needs to be a bit brighter.

Thanks for the comment :slight_smile:

I’m going to add a stem and it’s going to be one part of a scene designed to showcase a different object. Interestingly, many of the objects that I’m creating to compliment the scene are more difficult then the object I’m showcasing.

Do you have any suggestions about how to model a rose? I think that I’m going in the right direction but as a newb I’m always more then happy to hear other methods that may compliment or even replace my own.

this looks like a good start. i was just wondering how i would go about making a rose if i had to. it would be nice if AO was turned on. it would make it a lot easier to see the details as you progress.

good luck,


When I started it I really didn’t think that it would be as complicated as it’s turning out to be. I’ll show you my pathetic first attempt for you and others to mock :slight_smile:

I’m very new to Blender and 3D so this “revelation” is probably going to sound trite, but I was surprised at how little I actually knew about how roses look until I started working on this project.


no worries Valiant, I had the same revelation on the same project (a rose). It’s amazing how people see, but don’t “look”. Like you, I know a rose when I see it, but when I tried to model it from memory it came out completely wrong. Not until after I looked at about half a dozen reference pictures was I able to get something that looked even remotely close… I was using Bryce at the time, but the idea is the same.

Your rose is much better than my first one. I’m sure you already have some changes in mind for the model, but for your next render you might want to move the lighting so we can see a little of the inside.
Welcome and Best of Luck =P

Thanks for the encouragement :slight_smile:

I’ll set that up for my next render. I do need to do a lot more work on the inside of the flower but I’m trying to mix things up by working on other objects for the scene rather then diving into this one full-bore. I’m trying to use different techniques for each object so I get some more broad experience.

Do you have any suggestions for the center, though? Currently it is, like the rest of the rose, carefully placed and modified nurbs surfaces. I was considering using a deformed sphere mesh for it, but I haven’t started that version just yet.