Hi everybody.
Currently I’m working on my first character and I’ve got most of it modeled except for the shoes. Now I really don’t know how to go about modeling these shoes because I want them to look sort of mario style except longer. Also I’m attempting it as a low poly model so try to keep the solutions to low detailed.
A basic shoe may just start as a cube then extrude the sole and hollow it out by extrusions into the mesh. After subsurfing you should have your basic shoe shape without the lace holes and the pattern on the bottom. For small details I recommend 2.43’s sculpt mode.
To take an item from file A to file B, load file B, use file->append, pick file A, and then use the “internal directory structure” thing to find the item you want.
It works this way because the system also allows for resource links to other files, though I don’t know how yet.
Thanks a lot star weaver. I was worried I was going to have to re model the entire thing. Oh and I have ran into another problem. The sculpt tool adds too many verts for my low poly model. Any other ideas on how to model a low poly shoe?
I thought part of the point of sculpt mode and/or multires was to allow you to make a normal-map from the high-res scuplted and apply it as a detailing bumpmap to the lower poly mesh; this looks like what they’re doing in this image for example: http://www.blender3d.org/cms/typo3temp/pics/6e90779617.jpg
Oh man. Thats awesome. Man I totally missed that part. Thanks a lot guys hopefully my model doesn’t look like crap when i m done. I’ll post it in here later.