Im a newbie, french: So difficult for English speaking, and for using blender.
Here is my problem:
I have an “advanced” shop design, which means not a square room only.
I have also one ground flour with some walls not square but having a kind of “back”: they are like a cupboard without any doors.
I have some part of the walls which are holes for the windows.
And I have a first floor.
I had the stupid idea to model all of that in one object only.
I think it is better to create four objects “wallLeft”, “WallRight”, “wallNorth”, “wallSouth” instead of having all of them in the same object.
Then to put them close. eventually separate them on different layers but that is optionnal.
The reason is I have many troubles to texture properly this cr**p, especially game engine textures…
What do you think??
Is it like totally dumb to have done how I did?
Here is my file for the ones who have the courage to look at it… just check the walls you will cry…
Many thanks for your advices.
i did many tutorials, even the one on the official website. For example the “buidlind a castle” tutorial. They dont separate the shapes…?!!
Your walls have WAY too many verts. I’ve made a few architectural models, and personally I like to make each wall a separate object. Some may do it different, but I find this works best for me, especially once you start getting windows on different walls and different heights, or want walls difference colors, etc.
I usually start by making a single wall, and then in top view, I just duplicate it and rotate it around or whatever I need to start making up the rest of the room/house. For cutting out windows, I use loop cuts with ctrl-r both vertically and horizontally.
I can tell you for sure though, the walls in the file you posted have way too may verts, especially since you seem to have made your walls about 20 layers of verts thick, instead of just extruding once.
Well to be honest I did the wall in a proper extruding mode… but I have added many vectrices by “subdivising” many times until i could select some of them to delete them and have my windows…
Which was not the good solution but I was totally newbie!
I will take time to learn proper options like “boolean operations”.
I think your choice are more appropriate for a doing architectures: several walls are easier for proper manipulations!
I will try the hint with the P key!
Cheers, again,
It is time I start to refine my E-Shop.
The easiest way i have found to cut holes is to use the loop cut (Ctrl-R). Once I have set the cut points I delete the face of the section where I want the hole to be.
A little bit easier and less hassle than sub-dividing.
when you hit p and try to change the color it changes the whole modell
Hitting P in edit mode just separates the selected verts and makes them a new object. To change their colour without affecting the original object you have to create a new material otherwise it still has the same material as the original so when you cahnge the colour, everything with that material changes.