Modeling a tree help

I am trying to model a tree and instead of using a bunch of cylinders I wanted to use a bezier curve and outline a tree. However spin doesn’t work, and then I convert it to a mesh and extrude, it becomes a square object instead of round. I don’t know of any modifier that can do that. Bevel doesn’t work either.

Any ideas? Thanks

Ok so to be honest i am a huge fan of box modeling, I would find a dead tree or one without leaves and use it as a template and extrude, extrude and extrude some more, make cuts and extrude and so on, then apply sub-surf modifier to get the roundness. keep the polys as low as possible and systematically add more detail. good luck!

Hi fayt,

try this for “real” Trees

The add on Dito mentions is a great one. If you want to make a tree yourself, try this method: He starts with the tree at around 5.30.

How well does the generator work with Unity? Would simply a FBX work in Unity and keep the settings/textures?