Modeling A Worm Walk

I spent hours and hours trying to make this simple animation in Blender but couldn’t figure out how to rig it properly in an armature. So I decided to do it in code (HTML5 SMIL). However, I still would like to learn how to make this exact animation in Blender. Thus my question pertains to the obvious. How can I make the exact animation above in Blender?

Any help would be greatly appreciated :slight_smile:

I attached my project file for reference:

worm.blend (558.6 KB)

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Can a see a version of the blend file with the armature? Using IK it certainly should be possible…


While I was at work I thought about hooks and was able to make the animation with hooks instead of an armature. (I added the blend file of the animation with hooks)

worm.blend (567.4 KB)

As far as the armature I don’t know if I need 3 bones, 4 bones, 6 bones, and an IK for the middle or how else to do it.

Here is what I could come up with.

I admit it got a little bit more messy than I expected. Just did it for one half (but of course if straightforward to duplicate).

Yes, IK from the middle. Minimum bones seems to be 2x4, but I used 2x6 to get it smoother.

worm-ik.blend (503.7 KB)

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You could also without any rig make a very simple ShapeKey …
Basis :

Shapekey :

And then you would animate the key value with a Sine modifier :

Here here you are :

See you :slight_smile: ++


Shapekey is easy and quick, if you need more complex animations you could try Spline IK:

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