I think the trick here might be aligning your viewport to the photos.
Here is a step by step guide on how to do half of it manually:
I haven’t tried it but seems legit
But I’ve also found a neat downloadable program to do it more automatically:
It even has Blender integration!
(Now starts a step by step guide on how this can be used)
After downloading the program per the instructions on their page and opening it you will be greeted by a screen asking you to drop a photo. I used the first one on this post
The important thing seems to be finding reference photos that have clear reference points and lines that are perpendicular/parallel on the 3D space (idk how to explain it better but you’ll see)
You have to align the colored lines to the imaginary or visible straight lines you see on the photo. Red here will be the rear part of the car and and green will be the visible side.
To check if what you determined makes sense you can activate the floor view and see if it aligns with the tires
(it does)
If the floor shows with the wrong orientation or if you find that the gizmo has like z pointing down you can mess with the “Vanishing point axes” menu on the left side of the screen without having to redo the lines on the photo.
Now let’s take this to Blender
I’m assuming you will also download the addon but if you don’t want to you can try to manually configure your camera with the information displayed at the right of the screen there
With the addon: save the project on a folder, open Blender, delete the default cube, go to File>>Import>>.fspy and your reference image will appear as a backdrop of a correctly positioned camera
Make sure to set you background image to front and reduce the opacity to make your life easier
How is this helpful to modeling?
Well now you can have an additional viewport view where you’re matching with the angle of your reference. If you constrain your movement to the orthogonal axis you will know where to go and where to stop.
Of course other views will be needed to adjust what you can’t see from this angle. And for this you can even repeat this process for all the images you need
But this can really be an alternative when you don’t have those perfect references without perspective from all sides
Now behold this horribly peeled potato:
at least it’s starting to match
I’m sure you can do a better job!