Modeling Hair

I need some advice on how to model hair, so far I’ve been unable to get a realistic look.

Dupliverts are too uniform, if there was a randomise function this would probably work well.

Using a texture on a mesh(es) works only from a distance, up close it’s apparent there is no depth to the hair.

I’ve never been able to get the fiber script working. It runs and informs me the generation is complete, but nothing happens on the mesh.

A way of cheating would be adding hair via photoshop, but then you can’t animate with it.

Are there any other techniques which work well?

If Ripsting’s script doesn’t work for you, then in my opinion the best thing you can do is to follow the tut from the MakeHuman site:

You can make pretty convincing hair following this technique, plus you have the ability to animate them as well…

Maybe when my site is up, I’ll put some pretty cool realistic hair textures made by me, for the people!!! :smiley:


There are times when either approach might be better, but if you are painting the hair in Photoshop you can get a lot of milage out of applying those textures to several layers of translucent ( Alpha’d down) surfaces inthe approximate shape of your “bodys” of hair and move them against one another.
(Quick Example)
Use images with a fairly high contrast between the dark and light strands.[/i]

Broken link. Any update?

You need to check out the awesome new Beast Script

You should find it about half way down the page.

With a little practice, you should be able to get some pretty cool results. :smiley: