modeling he cockpit of this:

thanks guys!!


It was very good of you to post all those links for all of us, so thanks for taking the time to dig em up and put em on here. THAT is being a productive member of the community, and THAT is why I’m here. Because of helpful people like you. I keep on adding to a huge list of bookmarks with all of your help.

On a similar note to the faces disappearing, sometimes you’ll find that if you do mirroring, Blender renders the faces black in the 3d Viewport due to a bug. But this only occurs during rendering. Flipping the normals doesn’t do anything to prevent it as far as I can tell because I tried it. So if you run into this problem, which is similar in nature, just remember that its a bug and that it doesn’t mean something is wrong with your model. Just a heads up!

Thank you Flight %, those links are a great help. And many thanks to you Desoto, “heads ups” have saved some of my models from oblivion :smiley: . Again, I have to say that I am really impressed with this forum and the way we help each other out. Thanks again. 8)