Modeling help needed!

How do I make these arches and pillars or whatever they are called? Please help

try modeling thim separtly thin add thim to the structure

How do I model the arches separately? Are they not the same thing ?

model the part from above like screen 1

extrud it

thin add the detals lateron

yes thy are, but even in real life, thy build each thing on its own thin thy bring thim to gether ,its easy to build thing like this

There’s 3 ways you can model

  • as one object consisting of one mesh (connected geometry)
  • as one object consisting of more than one mesh (unconnected geometry)
  • as multiple objects

It’s usually better to model separate parts separately, either as unconnected geometry or as multiple objects. That simplifies the structure of each, and if you’re using separate objects, you can use instancing when placing many of them, which in turn saves a lot of memory.

One example

  • mesh: extra objects addon, pipe cross-section
  • halved, and ends scaled
  • duplicated the diagonal edges and separated to a new object, converted to curve
  • created another curve object that is used as a profile for the first one (bevel object)

arch_example_ja12.blend (103.2 KB)

Don’t have to use curves, could also model it as a mesh, I used curves because I’m already familiar with them.

I can’t see my own reply in this, might have been lost in the forum migration to a new platform
Basically told about instancing options, about baking details instead of keeping them modeled, and how detail accuracy can decrease when the camera is far away

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This is a very good tutorial on that.

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look in wiki
gothic arch are not circular so learn how to make a nice shape for this

happy bl