Modeling help request

I’m trying to model a planet like the following :

How would I best go about getting this result. I’ve noticed that the models typology is perfect, I’ve experimented starting with a Icosphere and using proportional grab to modify the shape but I can’t get the result I’m after.

Also how is the wireframe “smooth shaded” I’ve never understood that that was?

Any advice would be brilliant, Cheers C.

your probably best creating a uv sphere and then using the subsurf modifier, this will smooth the mesh of the object

Thanks for the reply ionee. How would I get the crater rims? Using a subsurf with a low poly mesh limits the control I have over creating the small details like the craters.

create a uv sphere and on the left you will have options of segments and rings, turn them up to about 20 and 10. the subsurf modifier will increase the divisions anyway.
in edit mode select a face, and press e to extrude, you can pull the face out.
to create the crater, press e again and extrude back towards the sphere

It’s looking great thank you for your help!


A quick test. I started from the default cube to make all quad ball to have more even face size.

  • I added subsurf at level 3 to the default cube (ctrl+3), applied it, went to edit mode and made it round with to sphere (alt+shift+s, 1)
  • then added subsurf level 2 to make it smooth (ctrl+2), and set the shading to smooth (W -> shade smooth)
  • made couple of craters by selecting 4 faces, extruding them inwards and then rounding it to circle with looptools. I have looptools addon enabled which has good circle tool (accessed from W -> looptools -> circle).
  • then continued extruding to make the shape

That looks great!

I’ve been experimenting with those tips, those results are good. The strange surface shapes are something else that I wanted that wasn’t in the original :evilgrin:

ahh goodgood! happy blending